Sunday, November 10, 2013

Word of the month 10/13

Hello you cuties,
today it’s again the first of the month and so it’s my turn to choose a new word. I really liked the idea to revisit the word ‚Melancholy‘ of last month yesterday and so my new search gets mor and more demanding ;)
Besides my special about Paris‘ fashion and the normal posts, I’d like to write something about poems this month. I‘ve already mentioned this topic last month but now I really wanna tell you something about this kind of art. And that’s why -who wonders-

became word of the month. If I’m unlucky the first people already stopped reading because they think poems are boring and stupid but maybe some of you will continue the reading.
I have to be honest, sometimes I‘ve gotten hackles up already when I heard the word ‚poem‘, if it’s about the metre and whatever. If it’s iambus, trochee or dactyl, isn’t it samey if the poets words touch your heart? Nevertheless all the hated poem analysis I love the lyrics. It’s fascinating how some people can deal with words, sometimes ten words say more than hundreds of brushstrokes on a painting or hundreds of notes jumping on the scale.
My preference started when I read ‚It is what it is‘ of Erich Fried a few years ago. I don’t know what it was like, the feeling, hearing it the first time. This honesty and clarity impressed me a lot. The last strophe is my favourite one: 

Pride says
It’s ridiculous
Caution says
It’s reckless
Experience says
It’s not practical
Love says
It is what it is’

You don’t have to embellish everything, sometimes the clear structures are just better.
Shortly after this experience I had a setback according to my love of lyrics: Rainer Maria Rilke’s ‘The Panther’. After looking at it later I have to say it’s a great poem but if I have to learn something by heart my brain switches on stubborn. And I found it strange to write about a caught panther, I haven’t recognized there could be anything behind it.. Another lowlight was Christian Morgenstern’s ‚The Banshee‘. I just don’t like it. For me it’s no poem, it’s just a text like each other as well. But well.
My interest for the written art began growing again after reading the book ‚Looking for Alaska‘ of John Green. It’s epics and not lyrics but the main character Alaska treated this topic very often and so I got curious again.. gelesen [I've already written about this book but just in German: ].
And how I told you a few times, I finally reached Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger but that’s enough for today otherwise I don’t have to post the other things ;)
Have a good start into this month!

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.Marie. :)