Sunday, November 10, 2013

The cause of blogging..

Hello my dears,
Did you notice something? Right, I changed the writing. I really liked the old one but you saw it everywhere, at other blogs or at commercial stuff, that’s why I was looking for something new. And I’m sure not everybody has this writing ;)
But now let’s start with the topic for today: blogging. On Wednesday I had a pretty long talk with one of my friend who knows about the Bunte Bonbon for a few weeks now. He seems to know a lot about blogging although having no own one. At first, we talked about the layout and if it’s better to take a submission or write it on your own. Because I have no idea of the second version, I had to choose the first one and that makes me freaking out often. The writing for the blog-description isn’t the right one and its colour neither. Also I’d like to include my favicon, I made a long time ago and as well a Facebook-button. Here was -let’s call him De Wincy’s- answer clear: self-writing is better.  
We went on with ‚blogging‘. Should you post anything when you want to or should you tell your followers a clear date like very Sunday and post then? I prefer version one because I think posting once a week is way too rare. I visit some blogs on my own and if there’s nothing new after three days [without announcement] I stop reading the blog after a few weeks and if I don’t like a several post I don’t wanna wait a week for the next one. Not everybody is interested in everything but each reader should have the possibility to read two or three good posts a week. De Wincy thinks one time a week is enough, besides there aren’t so many things to write about to post each day. This would promise every newcomer but no one could make this. After telling him I do this for 1 ½ years now, I just got an ‘Oh’ as answer. If there’s nothing personal I make my stint pretty often.
Next topic: Is it worth translating all posts into English? De Wincy is sure it is worth because you get more clicks. I only agree partly, otherwise I wouldn’t do it. But sometimes it takes such a long time and it’s a bit annoying if you have new ideas for posts but still have to translate the old ones. I hope I’ll do it better in the future with more discipline. Well, I want my blog to be on the top and I think the translating exercise is pretty good for my A-Levels ;)
Shortly before the bell was ringing we talked about the most important question: Do you just post because of getting some clicks? With 0 clicks a week I would probably stop with it but I think it’s already worth blogging if you have one or two followers who like reading your blog. I got a few more but I don’t have to make 1000 clicks a day. I’m happy about 200 and 100 and 50 are also pretty nice if I read how many clicks my blogger-colleagues get.. But I think that number can’t tell anything, there are so many good blogs that hasn’t be ‚discovered‘ yet. Other blogs that post every two days a ‚I varnished my nails and make a picture with the bottle‘-photos have unbelievably high numbers. Blogging is a hobby like each other.
De Wincy can’t achieve anyone with his wonderful drawing and lavish paintings without an exhibition, as well. So, why does he do this? Well, because his love for art, the same thing as I do it because of my love for writing.
That’s the comment to Friday. Have a great weekend!
PS.: Because my dear De Vinci always scoffs at my ‚Paper-Pictures‘ of Toni Tuklan and Sebastian Schiek, I forced him to do one.. Muhaha.

PPS.: You should really memorise this name. You can already see his potential in his banal drawing of a sun ;)

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.Marie. :)